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Charts index

These charts are developed and maintained by members of the IBM Carbon community. Some may only be accessible to IBMers. They may change over time, and they may be incomplete or experimental. For support, please contact the contributors listed on each page.

Placeholder image for the Area Chart chart
Area Chart

Area charts are similar to line charts, but the areas below the lines are filled with colors or patterns. Stacked charts are useful for comparing proportional contributions within a category.

Placeholder image for the Area Chart chart
Area Chart

Area charts are similar to line charts, but the areas below the lines are filled with colors or patterns. Stacked charts are useful for comparing proportional contributions within a category.

Placeholder image for the Bar chart chart
Bar chart

Bar charts use horizontal rectangular bars to answer the question of "how many?" in each category.

Placeholder image for the Cognos Test Chart chart
Cognos Test Chart

Some description

Placeholder image for the Histogram chart

A histogram visualizes the distribution of data over a continuous interval or certain time period.

Placeholder image for the Line graph chart
Line graph

Use a line graph to reveal trends or progress over time with a continuous data set. A line graph is created by connecting a series of data points together with a line.

Placeholder image for the Pie / Donut / Gauge charts chart
Pie / Donut / Gauge charts

Use pie charts and donut charts very sparingly, and only to show a part-to-a-whole relationship. Pie charts and donut charts show how categories represent part of a whole – the composition of something.

Placeholder image for the Scatter plot chart
Scatter plot

A scatter plot, or scattergram chart, will show the relationship between two different variables or it can reveal the distribution trends.

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